Sunday, October 20, 2013

...if your current rooms scare you, let us help. Free Delivery again with certain constraints... Hallow e'en approaches, scary is in.
But horror should be relegated to movies, parties and costumes; not your home or office.
If you have a house haunted by particularly unattractive items, stop in today.
We are here to help, and are offering 20-25 and 60% off depending on what you choose.

Thomasville of Montgomeryville
978 Bethlehem Pike
Montgomeryville, PA 18936
(215) 616-6600

Free Delivery seemed to be a nice incentive yesterday to get things moving.
We will do this again today.
Just mention one of the following names:
or...sing a brief portion of the following songs into our paging system:
Devil Woman

Evil Woman
Bette Davis Eyes
Monster Mash or "You Light Up My Life", my personal vote for scariest song ever.
Thank you.
